domingo, 11 de abril de 2010

Still holed up in Mexico City....

Well I guess that it was inevitable that I would get a tummy bug at some point; having been afflicted it seemed best that I have a quiet day in the hostel and make the onward trip to Cuernevaca tomorrow.. On the plus side it gives me yet a other opportunity to see the murals at the Secretario del Educacion, which I had been so disappointed to miss on Friday.

My deepest fear at the start of the trip was that I would be so much older than my fellow travellers that they wouldn't be able to relate to me. I have made so many new friends; bright and curious people that has made this past week so special. Friends of all ages, but predominantly younger people, so thanks Jessica in CT for encouraging me. It gets confusing switching between languages, particularly between spanish and French as I tend to confuse them into franish. I was also befriended by a Jewish couple in whose restaurant I ate frequently. Sadly the Sepbardi Shul they directed me to last Friday night was shut (thought that only happened in Zim). however they did invite me to their country club (you've never seen anything like it) I went and they were right. Apparently such cooperation between communities is almost unique to Mexico (Rio being the other place) and it truly is magnificent. The Centro Deportes Israelites boast 2 olympic pools several tennis courts football pitches gyms dance studios, yoga studios, restaurant, art gallery, library, performance space (with its own mural) as well as the most incredible steam baths where the men seemed to spend hours discussing life and business. Oh, and a spa. Multiply Wingate by 100 at least. The community numbers only 50 000 out of a total population of 120 million. They are so proud of it. Apparently there is a Roditi family in Mex City also with origins in Izmir, so we surely have relatives here.

The other thing is that the guitar has been a focal point already, even though I'm having to practise like crazy to sound reasonable. People just seem to like the sound of tinkling arpeggios and scales. Some ladino numbers have had a bit of an airing. Want to be able to profit from rich musical opportunities in Colombia, Argentina & Brasil.

I will leave you now with some more rich images from Mexico City.

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