martes, 11 de mayo de 2010

Where I am now

I'm struggling to get up to date with this blog, and not having a laptop is a real barrier. I'm in Flores right now, having recovered from a lousy cold, which somewhat blighted my visit to Tikal. However, I was struck by the sheer scale of the place as well as the awesome views oiver the forest canopy from the towering pyramids. The museums which hardly any one visits has magnificent stelae with intricate carving, ceramic and bone artefacts as well as photographs of the site before it was excavated. It is truly staggering although overwhelming with all that there is and no detailed knowledge of the contexts. Our guide reeled off dates but did little to bring the buildings alive. Maybe another time.

I have been toying with the idea of going again, but in the end decided to keep moving, as I have a lot of ground to cover... and nothing is perfect. So tomorrow I'm off to Semuc Champey

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